Cats love the outdoors, but it’s not always best to let your cat outside with no supervision. There’s a myriad of reasons for this, from protecting the local wildlife to protecting your cat. However, if your cat is getting antsy indoors, pawing at windows, or wanting to follow you outside, there are safer alternatives for cats to get their nature fix! One option is a catio, also called a “cat patio.” There are many types of catios, from large free-standing catios to smaller catios that connect to a window and/or door. Despite the type, the overall idea is the same: giving your cat a comfy, safe area of its own to enjoy the outdoors!

The idea of catios can be intimidating to owners. Many imagine high costs and handyman skills being needed. This is not the case. There are plenty of prebuilt catios available online, from large to small and in a variety of price brackets. But if you want to do it yourself, it’s not as complicated as you might think! If you have a balcony, grab some chicken wire (or any sturdy wire), heavy-duty staples or nails, and any other supplies you’d like to add. With a sturdy base and wiring around all gaps, and a plan for the cat to get in/out safely, you have yourself a catio! As long as your cat can’t get out, and other animals can’t get in, your kitty can now enjoy the outdoors comfortably!

There are so many ways to make a catio; it all depends on your house, where you want to place it, and what your cat(s) would like! We recommend looking at catios online to get inspiration for different builds, features, and more specific tips. The end goal is for your cat to have a place to feel the breeze, watch the world around them, and catch some rays. You can personalize your kitty’s catio with some pillows, toys, rugs, turf, scratching posts, or anything else your cat would like!

For apartment owners and renters: you can have a catio too! A popular, relatively inexpensive way to have a catio on an apartment balcony is to set up chicken wire, mesh wire, or fall-proof fence covering from the ceiling to floor. As long as a cat has no way to jump off the balcony, you’ve got yourself a catio! You can add durable cat toys, fake grass rugs, and even a cat tree. It makes the perfect spot to give your indoor cat a taste of the outdoors without the risk!


